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Regrettably the event has been cancelled due to lack of sufficient entries
About the run
A family fun run/walk with a festive twist, all in aid of a fantastic cause. Come and join us on Saturday 16th December 2023. All entrants aged 14 and over will receive a Santa Suit which they can keep and for those aged 13 and under there will be prizes for the best Elf or Santa Fancy Dress and a medal, mince pie and drink for everyone on completion of the run.
We strongly encourage all entrants over 13 years of age to have a JustGiving page to raise sponsorship and as part of registration they will be guided to open one. All sponsorship money will go direct to Weston Hospicecare via JustGiving. There will be awards for the individual and family who raise the most sponsorship.
Please note that entrants under18 are required to have parental consent and supervision when opening and using a Just Giving page.
The fun run/walk course will be 1km ( entrants can complete up to 3 laps) and there will be a separate 5km course for those wanting a more serious run. This is not a race, but a fun event for the whole family to raise much needed funds for Weston Hospicecare.
To find out more click the button below.

Registration has now closed